Metropolitan College

Frequently Asked Questions
A student must be employed by UPS, attend one of the two participating schools (JCTC, UofL), and complete the steps listed on the Get Started Checklist.
Metropolitan College students can attend school part-time or full-time. New students should limit first semester enrollment to the following:
- JCTC students: 9 credit hours (3 of these 9 hours should include your first year orientation course)
- UofL students: 9 credit hours or less + 1 credit hour first year orientation course
- We encourage you to speak with a Metropolitan College student development counselor to help you determine a schedule that fits best with your work schedule.
Students can major in any subject for which they are academically qualified. Visit the University of Louisville and Jefferson Community and Technical College websites for more information.
While Metropolitan College does not pay for housing, we do offer Metropolitan College Themed housing for MC UofL students.
Yes, Metropolitan College participants will be permitted to enroll up to the maximum number of credits allowed by their academic institution (JCTC or UofL) in the summer terms. Students should meet with an academic adviser at their institution to determine the appropriate number of credits for their individual academic plan.
Students must get a grade of "C" or better and remain actively employed through the semester work commitment date to receive tuition benefits. The work commitment dates for tuition benefits are as follows:
- December 31st for Fall semester JCTC students: 9 credit hours (3 of these 9 hours should include your first year orientation course)
- May 31st for Spring semester
- September 31st for Summer semester
- Beginning in the fall 2019 semester students who sign their first MC agreement and adhere to part-time enrollment recommendations of enrolling in 10 credit hours or less, will be eligible for payment for courses completed with a D grade during the first agreement semester only.
Students have no obligation to work at UPS beyond the end of each semester's work commitment date. Please note there are work commitment dates to qualify for tuition benefits and book reimbursement and there are work commitment dates to qualify for bonuses.
Metropolitan College tuition benefits are limited to undergraduate level coursework at the University of Louisville and Jefferson Community and Technical College. However, students are still eligible to use Earn & Learn for graduate level coursework.